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Wednesday: 9:40 am - 10:10 am |
Association Learning - Climbing the Online MountainRuthlyn Graham, Consultant, D2L Learning is continuously shifting and evolving to meet the needs and lifestyles of contemporary society. As a result, associations are leveraging online learning to meet the needs of their members. Come learn how associations can engage their members with powerful learning programs that fulfill their ongoing professional development.
• Unlock learning as your catalyst for member engagement • Create content that can scale and reach a larger audience • Increase existing member retention • Help drive new revenue streams for your association • Promote your brand and expand your reach in your respective markets |
Embracing Changes in Payment Methods to Improve Your Bottom LineAmy L. Smith, AAP, CAE, Vice President and Executive Director, The Clearing House Payments Authority Opportunities abound as the U.S. payments system goes full throttle. Discover what’s new in payments and how your association can leverage the changing landscape to accelerate the receipt of payments and the information you need to post and reconcile. We will explore consumer preferences and provide you next steps on how to talk to your banker and technology provider to amp up your cashflow.
"Audio Visual Trends, Tips & Tricks"Mary Platt, Vice President, Sales & Marketing Chase Creative Find out about the latest trends in Audio Visual technology and options to elevate your next event. Groups are reinventing the design of their event now that we're fully back in person. We'll also share some tips and tricks to consider and to discuss with your Audio Visual provider. Be prepared for your next AV quote!
Wednesday: 11:45 am - 12:30 pm |
Driving Success by Putting Trust Above the Bottom-LineJenn Donahue. PhD, PE, PMP, President, JL Donahue Engineering Instead of asking the question "Why are people still leaving?", the real question is “How is your leadership style working for you?" If you’re trying to be the same leader you were ten, five, or even three years ago, it’s likely not resonating with your team. With her five-step method, developed through scientific research and personal experiences, she provides the audience the keys to retain, grow and inspire your workforce. Her story-driven approach underscores the importance of trust, and what’s needed to create loyal, dedicated, and motivated teams.
Getting To Yes: It's Not About the PriceJames Feldman, CSP, CPIM, CPT, CPC, CVP, CIP, The Bright Idea Guy, Shift Happens This presentation will help you learn how to increase your current prices without losing a single customer. What if we could change all of that for you? How you can instantly increase your price WITHOUT losing a single customer?
Leverage Technology to Do More, So You Can Do