Professional Bio
Jennifer Berkemeier graduated from Michigan State University with a B.S. in Anthropology and Social Science, with a focus on indigenous peoples. After graduating she earned a certification from American Travel School and worked as a travel agent for three years. She transitioned to the live events industry where she has worked for the past 28 years. She has worked as an Executive Assistant at a global entertainment company, Special Events Director at an historical venue in Detroit, and currently as an Event Sales Manager at Huntington Place in Detroit. She has been a member of the MPI Michigan chapter for over thirteen years, and a board member for six years, currently serving in the role of President-Elect. Additionally, she has volunteered for MPI at the Global level on the Anti-Human Trafficking Committee for the past three years. Jennifer has been honored to receive a number of industry awards, including the MPI MI President’s Award and Outstanding Volunteer Award, and Ambassador of the Year from the Detroit Regional Chamber.
Detroit, MI 48226 313.877.8777

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