Organization Overview

We strive to provide professional services and ensure that organizations remain vital and sustainable through effective governance, strategic thinking, and innovative leadership.

What we offer:

*Full-service association management – We can do it all by streamlining key operational functions in making them run efficiently and reliably.

*Marketing and communications – Our team reaches target audiences and achieves success with a variety of different platforms.

*Board and committee governance – KC guides your board and committees through the development and implementation of policies, procedures, bylaws, and other important documents. We are skilled at maintaining up-to-date and compliant materials.

*Events and meetings – From webinars and advocacy days to board and committee meetings, our team will ensure your event runs smoothly from beginning to end.

*Member management – We will handle recruiting, retention, and customer service-and grow your numbers as we do it.

*Finances and accounting – Our team can provide services such as budgeting, forecasting, accounts receivable/payable, investment oversight, and more.

*Political Action Committee reporting – We make sure that all lobby and campaign finance laws are being followed. Our staff remains up to date on all compliance requirements and reporting.
Jacquelen Timm
Jacquelen Timm Director of Association Management and Communications
David K. Ladd
David K. Ladd Partner
Kate McPherson Associate
Kim Davis Associate
Melissa McKinley President
Nate Love
Nate Love Lobbyist
Robert S.B. Elhenicky Chief Executive Officer
Taylor Siebecker Associate
MSAE Logo Association Member

Industry Partner - Categories for Buyers Guide
Association Management, Government Relations, Marketing & Communication
Industry Class
Association Management Companies