She Leads: Sponsorship Opportunities



Welcome Gift $1,000 (two available)

First impressions are a big deal! Welcome attendees in style with a promotional welcome gift and hand it out during registration.

  • Sponsor to purchase the branded gift
  • Share key messages about your product or service in collateral material included with the welcome gift
  • Skirted table near registration
  • Recognition in event promotion (website, emails, and social media)
  • Recognition as a sponsor onsite and signage

Breakfast Sponsor $1,500/$1,750 non-member

  • Opportunity to provide promotional material or small gift on tables
  • Recognition as sponsor on signage during the event
  • Recognition in event promotion (website, e-mail, and social media)
  • Recognition as a sponsor onsite and signage

Lunch Sponsor $2,000/$2,250 non-member

  • Opportunity to provide promotional material or small gift on tables
  • Opportunity to introduce lunch speaker
  • Recognition as sponsor on signage during the event
  • Recognition in event promotion (website, e-mail, and social media)
  • Recognition as a sponsor onsite and signage

    Refreshment/Mixer Break $1,000/$1,250 non-member [2 available]

    • Recognition as sponsor on signage during the event
    • Recognition in event promotion (website, e-mail, and social media)
    • Recognition as a sponsor onsite and signage

    Afterglow Reception $1,200/$1,450 non-member

    • Recognition as sponsor on signage during the reception
    • Recognition in event promotion (website, emails, and social media)
    • Recognition as a sponsor onsite and signage

    Supporter $500 (Multiple)/$600 non-member

    • Recognition as a supporter onsite and signage