Mary Chris Hotchkiss, CMP, CTA
MSAE role: Director
1st Year of Involvement in MSAE: 1995
Professional role: Group Sales Director
Employer: Petoskey Area Visitors Bureau
Years in Current Position: 2 1/2
In-office, hybrid or remote: Remote
MSAE: Tell us about your family, pets, and where you call home.
MH: I have a 23-year-old son, Griffin, who is at Michigan State. My husband, Bob, and I have lived in East Lansing for 22 years, and we love the Spartans!
MH: I travel when I can and being with friends and family is how I relax.
MH: My first hospitality job was at Brookshire Inn in Williamston and we hosted the MSAE Golf Outing in May 1995.
MH: I want to see MSAE come back in a STRONG way.
MH: Some of my best connections and friendships have been a direct result of MSAE and attending their events.
MH: In my 15 years at the Greater Lansing CVB, I only worked with state associations in helping them bring their events and conventions to the Lansing area. I also have served on MSAE Committees...Membership and Annual Conference promotions.
MH: When my son was younger, I served on his school's Parent/Teacher Council for 7 years. I also served on my church's Finance Council for 6 years. In addition to MSAE, I am currently sitting on the Ele's Place Community Board/Capital Region.
MH: I am passionate about connecting people!