Agenda Subject to Change
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Agenda (tentative)
10:00 AM: Welcome
10:05 AM: Strategies for Associations Seeking to Make an Impact in Today’s Policy Environment
Lindsay Young, Chief of Staff, Speaker Matt Hall [INVITED]
Kathleen O’Reilly Farhat, Chief of Staff, Senate Majority Leader Brinks [INVITED]
11:15 AM: Michigan’s Budget Outlook (with Q&A)
Rachael Eubanks, State Treasurer [CONFIRMED]
Jenn Flood, State Budget Director [CONFIRMED]
12:00 PM: The Honorable Gretchen Whitmer, Governor, State of Michigan [INVITED]
12:15 PM: Lunch & Networking
1:00 PM: Roundtable Conversations
Funding PACs
Telling Our Story and Doing it Well
Engaging Lawmakers
Setting Legislative Priorities
Grassroots Advocacy
Technology that Supports the Work
1:45 PM: Baldly Bipartisan
John Selleck, Chief Strategist and CEO, Harbor Strategic [CONFIRMED]
Adrian Hemond, CEO, Grassroots Midwest [CONFIRMED]
2:45 PM: Break
3:00 PM: The Looming Threat of Tax Reforms for Associations
Mary Kate Cunningham, CAE, Senior Vice President, Public Policy, ASAE [INVITED]
3:30 PM: A Conversation with Michigan’s Quadrant Leaders
The Honorable Winnie Brinks, Senate Majority Leader [INVITED]
The Honorable Aric Nesbitt, Senate Republican Leader [INVITED]
The Honorable Matt Hall, Speaker of the House [INVITED]
The Honorable Ranjeev Puri House Democratic Leader [CONFIRMED]
4:30 PM: Adjourn
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